COVID-19 Atmospheric Context Data
A project to collect and archive data to explain and give context to the atmospheric implications of the COVID-19 pandemic
A survey to find out what data would be most useful for atmospheric scientists.
A collection of databases that have non-atmospheric data that give context to the changes in the atmosphere that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Use the first button to submit a dataset you found, and the second to see the list of datasets other people have submitted.
A collection of articles that give context to the atmospheric changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Use the first button to submit an article you found, and the second to see the list of articles other people have submitted.
A package written in a combination of Python and Bash that automates the
configuration, compilation, input preparation, and execution of the
WRF-Chem chemical transport model.
Features include:
- Necessary environmental variables are sourced automatically from
a configuration file, meaning you no longer need to remember to set
them or place them in a .bashrc file.
- WRF and all the necessary input utilities (WPS, NEI emissions,
MEGAN, MOZBC) can be compiled with a single command.
- All the necessary inputs can be prepared with a single command.
- During execution, the most recent restart file can be automatically
identified and the model set to start from that file.
A collection of Matlab functions that convert Matlab types in Python types
and vice versa. This provides flexibility in converting Matlab arrays,
cell arrays, and structures into corresponding Python types.
A Python package that can assemble a .bib file from a directory of PDF files.
It will attempt, for each PDF, to find the DOI number and retrieve the bibliographic
entry. It also has a mechanism to update that .bib file if new PDFs are
added without overwriting previous entries. A secondary function of this
package is to convert .bib files to HTML representations; which is used to
update the
Publications page on this website.
A small C++ program that can launch parallel iterations of a program using
MPI parallelization.
A customizable Jeopardy-like game that I built for a GLOBE
(Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment) outreach
event. It comes with two sets of trivia, and you can add your own.